Thursday, 28 August 2008

I should never have bought

I recently bought a 'lunch cube' from sistema as I thought that it was a practical and useful design and had wanted one for a while. The cube consists of separate compartments, designed to hold individual pieces of fruit and a sandwich, without being squashed or next to another lunch box item.

I thought it was a fairly reasonable price at £3.50 but compared to a normal, rectangular box, it seems slightly overpriced. A rectangular box would have been a better buy as it would not have all the problems that I came across.

I was disappointed when I came to using the cube as I found I could not fit much in there. The section for sandwiches is barely wide enough for an average sandwich and rolls have to be squashed to fit. It will not even close fully when one is in there. I thought that the other sections may be better but I found that I was unable to fit a small apple in the either compartment, as the sections were not tall enough. The slightly larger section would not fit a packet of crisps or a banana but was too large for a cereal bar. I resorted to cutting my apple in half and wrapping it in foil, which is impractical and wasteful.

I thought that by using the 'lunch cube' I would minimise the time spent packing my lunch and also prevent my items from being squashed. I seem to spend more time attempting to use the space logically and all my items have to be squashed to fit in the cube, defeating the purpose of the box.

As it has all the individual sections, it is also quite difficult to wash by hand and it is hard to position it suitably in a dishwasher, without using too much space.

I have kept the lunch cube because I don't feel able to get rid of it yet, especially as I had praised the design and planned for one for a while before buying one but I would not advise people to buy a lunch cube unless they are prepared to change the contents of their lunch box and eat squashed sandwiches from now on.


roxy edwards said...

you have proved a point that if the product costs alot it still doesnt mean that it will work. you have writen this article in an intresting way to read and is a good layout. you have also comented on the hastle that the cube lunch box has created for you.

The Prince Of Cats said...

i like this blog because you write it as if you are a dissapointed parent
i like it when you said that you felt you couldnot get rid of it its like an emotional attachment has developed when you bought it
mainly thanks for the advice i think i will stick to my tin lunch boxes!

Steel the Gamer said...

You've pointed out tjhe flaws of this product very well, enough said.

Knightie said...

you have identified some very valid design faults, well done. This is written clearly and consisely, exactly what we were looking for.
An excellent start to the AS course.

Matt Parr said...

Very good peice of writing, and you have clearly pointed out the problems with the design!

Fox said...

i dont usally eat packed lunch but if i did i wouldnt buy this. excellent description of the faults and slight sarcasm.

Knocker said...

Very good description.
I like the description, and I feel your frustration through the compartments not being big enough.

I feel kinda sick thinking you wanted a lunchbox that bad!