Friday 12 September 2008


Ferrous metals
  • contain iron
  • prone to rusting
  • magnetic

Non - ferous Metals

  • do not contain iron
  • do not rust
  • not magnetic
  • more expensive


  • 2 or more metals mixed togther
  • or a metal combined with a different material
  • ehance the properties by combining more than one metal

Alloys can be used to:

  • change the colour
  • change the strength
  • change the electrical conductivity

Most metals become less hard and more ductile when they are heated

Work Hardening

  • the more the metals are worked and processed, the harder it becomes to work with them


  • is the process of heating the metal until it is cherry red, making it easier to work with


  • is the process of heating the metal to cherry red then rapidly cooling it, in water, for example.
  • the rapid cooling is know as 'quenching'
  • mainly used for carbon steel


  • often done after hardening
  • apply heat, then quench
  • leaves a grey coloured coating toughening the metal and preventing it from being brittle

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